Roger A. Coate, Chair of the Academic Council on the UN System (ACUNS), Heung Soon Park, Member of the Board of Directors, ACUNS and Ai Kihara-Hunt, Member of the Board of Directors and Sukehiro Hasegawa, ACUNS Tokyo Liaison Officer, ACUNS Explained ACUNS` Forthcoming Activities.

Professor Roger Coats, Chair of ACUNS, and three other ACUNS officials briefed the participants from the Korean Academic Council on the UN System (KACUNS), China Academic Network on the UN System (CANUNS) and Japanese Association of United Nations Studies (JAUNS) on the developments related to ACUNS that are of interest to the East Asian countries.
Roger Coate, Chair of ACUNS, noted that the Asian region had been most active in carrying out activities in association with ACUNS. Noting the KACUNS and JAUNS were already institutional members of ACUNS, he expressed his hope that CANUNS would also become an institutional member.
ACUNS would hold its Annual Meeting in London from June 25-27 in 2020 and New York in 2021 and the possibility of holding it in Asia. ACUNS supported such events as the Geneva Dialogue of East Asian scholars with senior officials of UN and other international organizations. The next Dialogue of East Asian scholars with Senior Officials of UN Organizations would most likely take place in New York in the spring of 2020.
Professor Heung Soon Park, Chair of the Membership Committee, explained steps taken to increase the members of ACUNS and also the proposal to lower the membership fee to $70 per annum for those in developing countries. Professor Ai Kihara-Hunt, Chair of the Partnership Committee, indicated the steps were being taken to enhance its partnership with members institutions including the academic associations of East Asian countries.