Day 2: Tuesday, 3 September
Venue: WIPO, ITU and WTO
9:30 WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization

East Asian Scholars in front of the World Intellectual Property Organization
9:30 Presentation by Mr. Ken Natsume, Director, PCT International
Cooperation Division about the role of WIPO
“What are the roles of WIPO and the key issues of concern to WIPO senior
management?” (30 minutes)

Mr. Ken Natsume, Director, PCT International Cooperation Division, WIPO

DONG Liang, Ph.D., China Foreign Affairs University and Takaaki MIZUNO, Professor, Kanda University of International Relations, former Chief of Asahi Shimbun New York Bureau

Hiromi FUJISHIGE, Associate Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University and Heung-Soon PARK, Professor Emeritus, Sun Moon University, Seoul and Vice President of UN Association of ROK

Yasuhiro UEKI, Professor, Sophia University and former UN Spokesperson and Keiichi TANABE Associate Professor, Tokai University

ZHANG Guihong, Professor and Director, Center for UN Studies, Fudan University and
Vice President & Secretary-General, Shanghai UN Research Association

SHENG Hong-sheng, Professor, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law Director, OBOR Judicial Research Institute, the Supreme People’s Court, China, Ex- United Nations Expert on Mission, MONUC, DR Congo and Mayumi, YAMADA, Assistant Professor, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan

Elizabeth GAMARRA, Personal Assistant to ACUNS Tokyo Office Director, and
Takanori Hamauzu, Senior Student at University of Tokyo
11:20 Lunch Meeting at the Korean Mission hosted by Ambassador Jangkeun(JK) Lee, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea, Geneva

Ambassador Jangkeun(JK) Lee , Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea, Geneva and East Asian Scholars

Ambassador Jangkeun(JK) Lee addressing the East Asian scholars

Sukehiro HASEGAWA, Heung Soon PARK, and Yasuhiro UEKI
12:45 International Telecommunication Union
Meeting with ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao and Mr. Yushi Torigoe, Chief of ITU’s Strategic Planning and Membership Department (SPM)

ITU Secretary-General Houlin ZHAO

ITU Secretary-General Houlin ZHAO and Moderator: Mr. ZHANG Guihong, Professor and Director, Center for UN Studies, Fudan University

The East Asian scholars listening to Secretary-General ZHAO

Professor Heung Soon PARK and Ms. 5. Ms. YANG Yue, Deputy Director, Institute of Asian Studies, China Foreign Affairs University

Yushi TORIGOe, Chief of ITU’s Strategic Planning and Membership Department and ZHANG Guihong, Professor and Director, Center for UN Studies, Fudan University

From right to left: Tomokiyo TANAKA, Visiting Professor and Director, SDGs Promotion Office, Kyoto University of Arts and Design; Takanori Hamauzu, Senior Student at University of Tokyo; Elizabeth GAMARRA Maja LIECHTI, ACUNS Tokyo Office
15:30 World Trade Organization (WTO)
(Venue: Conference Room F)

The photographer Mayu Kaneda at the WTO entrance gate
Session 1: Presentation by Ms. Maika Oshikawa, Director, Accessions Division, WTO
“WTO: Its Role and Practice” (15:30 -17:00)

Maika OSHIKAWA, Director, Accessions Division

Ms. Juneyong LEE, Legal Officer, WTO

Moderator: Mr. LUO Yuze, Ph.D., Deputy Director-general, Research Fellow Research Department of Foreign Economic Relations, Development Research Center of the State Council of the People`s Republic of China

Hiromi FUJISHIGE, Associate Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University and 4. SHENG Hong-sheng, Professor, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law Director, OBOR Judicial Research Institute, the Supreme People’s Court, China, Ex- United Nations Expert on Mission, MONUC, DR Congo

Ms. YANG Yue, Deputy Director, Institute of Asian Studies, China Foreign Affairs University and Mr. DONG Liang, Ph.D., Research Fellow, Institute of Asian Studies, China Foreign Affairs University

Keiichi TANABE Associate Professor, Tokai University and Sukehiro HASEGAWA, Director of ACUNS Tokyo Office, Executive Director for Academic Exchange, UN Association of Japan

ZHANG Guihong, Professor and Director, Center for UN Studies, Fudan University

ZHANG Guihong, Professor and Director, Center for UN Studies, Fudan University and Vice President & Secretary-General, Shanghai UN Research Association and Tomokiyo TANAKA, Visiting Professor and Director, SDGs Promotion Office, Kyoto University of Art and Design
Session 2: Presentation by Mr. Hamed El Kady, International Investment Policy Officer, Division of Investment and Enterprise, UNCTAD
“UNCTAD: investment policies for development” (17:00-18:00)

Hamed El Kady, International Investment Policy Officer, Division of Investment and Enterprise, UNCTAD

LUO Yuze, Ph.D., Deputy Director-general, Research Fellow, Research Department of Foreign Economic Relations, Development Research Center of the State Council of PRC and Moderator: Yasuhiro UEKI, Professor, Sophia University and Former UN Spokesperson

Heung-Soon PARK, Professor Emeritus, UN Studies, Sun Moon University, Seoul, and Vice President, UN Association of Korea and Board Members, ACUNS and Takaaki MIZUNO, Professor, Kanda University of International Relations, former Chief of Asahi Shimbun New York Bureau
17:30 End of the Second Day