10:00 Opening Session
Director-General H.E. Ms. Tatiana Valovaya, UN Office at Geneva (UNOG)

Q&A and dialogue with the participants

Ms. ZHANG Yunfei, Board Member, UN Association of China and Professor Yasuhiro UEKI of Sophia University, and Former United Nations Spokesperson

ZHANG Guihong, Professor and Director, Center for UN Studies, Fudan University and Heung-Soon PARK, Vice President, UN Association of the Republic of Korea

Philippe Baudin, Chief, Political Affairs and Partnerships Section,
Office of the Director-General, United Nations Office at Geneva

Ms. Kathryn Elizabeth HENNESSEY, Programme Management Officer, and Simon Panchaud of the Political Affairs and Partnerships Section, Office of the Director-General, United Nations Office at Geneva
11:00 First Morning Session
SG Atul Khare on UN Reform (Video Message)

Under-Secretary-General Atul Khare on UN Reform (Video Message)
Session 2
Mr. Michael Emery, Director of Human Resources, IOM
“UN Reform and the new competencies required of UN staff”

Mr. Michael Emery, Director of Human Resources, IOM, and Professor Takaaki MIZUNO, Kanda University of International Studies

Associate Professor Keiichi TANABE, Tokai University and Ms. TENG Chen, Program Officer, United Nations Association of China (UNA-China)

Mayumi, YAMADA, Assistant Professor, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto
12:30 Reception at the Delegate Restaurant hosted by

Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan Ken OKANIWA to the United Nations and International Organizations (12:30 – 13:30)
Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan Ken OKANIWA and
Minister Masashi NAKAGOME, Head of Political and Social Affairs Division

Japanese Ambassador Ken OKANIA and Mr. Masaaki Tanimoto, Director for Administration of ACUNS Tokyo Liaison Office; Ms. Dhang Yunfei, Board Member of the UN Association of Japan

Participants from China, Japan, Republic of Korea and Mongolia, and Speakers of UN and International Organizations

Right: Ms. Kathryn Elizabeth HENNESSEY, Programme Management Officer, Mariia Sorokina and Simon Panchaud of the Political Affairs and Partnerships Section, Office of the Director-General, United Nations Office at Geneva
Left: Professor Heung Soon Park, Ms. ZHANG Yunfei and Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa
14:30 World Health Organization (WHO)
Presentation by Ms. Agnes Soucat, Director, Health Systems Governance and Financing, Universal Health Coverage
“WHO’s progress towards the achievement of the SDGs”
Presentation by Mr. Gaudenz Silberschmidt, Director, Health and Multilateral Partnerships
“History of Global Health Governance and WHO”

Ms. Agnes Soucat, Director, Health Systems Governance and Financing,
Universal Health Coverage

Heung-Soon PARK, Professor Emeritus, UN Studies, Sun Moon University, Seoul, and Hiromi FUJISHIGE, Associate Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University

From left to right: Professor Tomokiyo TANAKA, Visiting Professor and Director, SDGs Promotion Office, Kyoto University of Arts and Design; Masakuni TANIMOTO, Secretary-General, Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan (GPAJ) and Chief for Administration, ACUNS Tokyo Liaison Office, and Sejeong JEON, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva

Colonel Bat-Erdene Batkhuu, the Armed Forces of Mongolia and Hiromi FUJISHIGE, Associate Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University

Mr. Gaudenz Silberschmidt, Director, Health and Multilateral Partnerships and Mr. LUO Yuze, Ph.D., Deputy Director-general, Research Fellow, Research Department of Foreign Economic Relations, Development Research Center of the State Council of PRC

Yasuhiro UEKI and Professor SHENG Hong-sheng, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law Director, OBOR Judicial Research Institute, the Supreme People’s Court, China, Ex- United Nations Expert on Mission, MONUC, DR Congo

From right to left: Maja LIECHTI, Personal Assistant to ACUNS Tokyo Office Director;
Takanori Hamauzu, Senior Student at University of Tokyo; Elizabeth GAMARRA, Personal Assistant to ACUNS Tokyo Office Director; Simon PANCHAUD, Intern, Political Affairs and Partnerships Section, Office of the Director-General, United Nations Office at Geneva

Sejeong JEON, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva and Professor SHENG Hong-sheng, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law

Masakuni TANIMOTO, Secretary-General, Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan (GPAJ) and Chief for Administration, ACUNS Tokyo Liaison Office; Professor ZHANG Guihong, Director, Center for UN Studies, Fudan University; Tomokiyo TANAKA, Visiting Professor and Director, SDGs Promotion Office, Kyoto University of Arts and Design; Keiichi TANABE Associate Professor, Tokai University
16:45 ILO International Labor Organization
Presentation by Christophe Perrin, Director, and Wolfgang Schiefer, Multilateral Cooperation Department

Heung-Soon PARK, Professor Emeritus, UN Studies, Sun Moon University, Seoul, and Vice President, UN Association of Korea and Board Members, ACUNS; Christophe Perrin, Director, and Wolfgang Schiefer, Multilateral Cooperation Department

Messrs. Christophe Perrin and Mayumi Yamada, Assistant Professor, Ritsumeikan University

18:30 Group Dinner at Café de Soleil in Petit Saconnex

“Thank you, Mr. Achim Wennman, for hosting such a wonderful dinner”
Mr. Achim Wennmann, Executive Coordinator, Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, fifth from left

The Photographers:
Aya Kanamori, Senior Student at Hosei University; Mayu Kaneda, Student, Aoyama Gakuin University