Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 | |
Monday,September 2ndAssemble at Pregny Gate at 9:00 am | (10:00-11:00)Opening session with Ms. Tatiana Valovaya, Director-General, UNOG | (11:00-12:00)Group A: Guided TourGroup B: Presentation of USG Atul Khare`s video message on UN Reform(12:30-13:30)Lunch hosted by Ambassador of Japan | (14:30-16:00)Visit to WHOPresentation on the work of the WHO and its progress towards to achievement of the SDGs | (16:30-18:00)Visit to ILOPresentation on the work of the ILO and its progress towards to achievement of the SDGs |
Tuesday,September 3rd | (9:30 – 11:30)Visit to WIPOPresentation on the work and priorities of WIPO | (12:00 -14:30)Visit to ITULunch(12:00-13:00)Meeting with D-G ITU | (15:00-15:45)Visit to WTOPanel discussion between WTO and UNCTAD | (15:45-17:45)Visit to WTOPresentation on the work and priorities of WTO |
Wednesday,September 4th | (10:00 – 12:30)Visit to OHCHR (Palais Wilson)Presentation on global human rights issues and the role of East Asian countries in that contextPresentation on the Universal Periodic Review, highlighting issues discussed with China, Japan and the Republic of Korea | (14:30 – 16:30)Visit to the Geneva Peacebuilding PlatformMaison de la paix | (16:30-18:00)ACUNS/Future UN Development System (FUNDS)Maison de la paix |

Please obtain a free tourist ticket for the public transport in Geneva at the baggage pick up area located in the Airport Terminal. Proceed to the Gare Cornavin, Geneva central station, or take the bus to your respective hotel. Please note that the taxi fare is very expensive and not recommended.

Hotel Mon Repos is recommended for convenience. Room prices are negotiable and the sooner you contact the hotel directly, the better the prices you can get. Please contact Mr. Simon Panchaud (simonpanchaud[@] if you need assistance in making reservations.
In order to arrive at the hotel, please take Bus Nr. 28 from Geneva Airport (or Rental Car) until the bus stop ‘’Jardin botanique’’. The bus runs all 30 minutes from the airport. From the bus stop, walk straight for three minutes, pass the Chinese restaurant Han-Lung and you will reach the hotel. Participants staying at Hotel Mon Repos or in any other hotel in Geneva will receive a free pass for public transportation.
Regarding accommodation in Geneva, it is recommended that you look at Ibis hotels, a French business hotel chain, which offers reasonable lodging in Geneva compared to other hotels. The homepage is as follows:
You can also check through As they have several hotels in Geneva, please make sure that the hotel you pick up is located in the city as some of them are situated in nearby France.
Another hotel recommended at this late stage is Hotel le Prince in Plainpalais, a central district. The hotel offers rooms for 115 Swiss francs per night:
The page is in French but if you click on ‘Réserver maintenant’, it will open a reservation page in English.
If you need any assistance, please contact Mr. Simon Panchaud (

Please come to the Ferney Gate entrance of the United Nations Office in Geneva by 8:30 a.m. on 2 September 2019.
The participants will have to come up for the costs of their participation by themselves. Therefore, scholars are encouraged to bring a small group of selected students and frame their participation as a university-related event or excursion in order to apply for financial support from their respective university.
Max. 3-4 students per delegation (China, Japan, Korea, India) are allowed to accompany the scholars. However, as we will conduct high-level discussions, students may not participate directly in the discussions, but will take an observatory position or they may join as volunteers for the organizing team.
All participants of the East Asian Scholars’ Dialogue must register and obtain entry permits by accessing Please contact Ms. Maja Liechti maja.liechti[@] for questions regarding the entry permit participation or Elizabeth Gamarra at egamarra15[@]

Nestled between Lake Léman, the Alps and the Jura mountains, Geneva stands at the westernmost point of Switzerland next to France. Capital of multilateral diplomacy and humanitarian action, crossroad of cultures, major financial and trading centre, the city has much to offer for visitors from historical sites, fine cuisine, arts, and outdoor activities.
If you wish to have more information about places to visit in Geneva and around during your free time, you can contact Mr. Simon Panchaud (simonpanchaud[@]
Examples of activities:
- Visit the Old Town
- Take a boat trip on the lake
- Explore Carouge, a picturesque district
- See the Jonction, a spectacular meeting of two rivers
- Hike to Mount Salève with a panoramic view of the whole region
- Enjoy wine tasting in the countryside