President of JAUNS and Vice President of Kwansei Gakuin University, Former Ambassador of Japan to Germany and Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Professor Takahiro SHINYO lead a twelve-person Japanese delegation to the trilateral seminar.

Venue: Youngone Convention Center, The Sung Family’s Old Residence, Changnyeong, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea
Guest Speaker: The Honorable Han Sung-joo, Chairman of the Board, KACUNS Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
[Opening Remarks]
HONG Kyudok, President of KACUNS, Professor of Sookmyung Women’s University, Former Deputy Minister for Defense Reform, Ministry of National Defense

ZHANG Dan, Secretary-General of CANUNS President of CANUNS

SHINYO Takahiro, President of JAUNS, Vice-President, Kwansei Gakuin University, Former Ambassador to Germany and Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, New York

The Honorable Han Sung-joo, Chairman of the Board, KACUNS, and Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea

Peace and Stability in the Korean Peninsula and the Role of the United Nations: East Asian Perspectives
Chair: H.E. Park In-kook, President, Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, Former Ambassador and Permanent Representative, ROK to the UN
*Korea: Chung Kuyoun, Research Fellow, The Korea Institute for National Unification
*China: Research Fellow, Institute of International Relations, Shanghai Academy of Social Science
*Japan: Satoshi HIROSE, Professor of Nagasaki University

*Korea: H.E. Kim Bong-hyun, Former Ambassador of the Republic Korea to the Commonwealth of Australia
Jung Jae-Wook, Professor of Sookmyung Women’s University
*China: ZHANG Dan, Secretary-General of CANUNS (TBC)
*Japan: Takaaki MIZUNO, Professor of Kanda University of International Studies and Former NY Bureau Chief and Washington Correspondent of the Asahi Shimbun

Enhancement of Regional Consultation and Cooperation among East Asian Countries for UN Peace Operations
Chair: Professor Takahiro SHINYO, President of JAUNS, Vice-President, Kwansei Gakuin University, Former Ambassador to Germany and Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, New York

*Korea: Choi Hyun-Jin, Professor of Kyung Hee University

*China: ZHANG Jiao, Post-doctor Researcher and Lecturer, International Law Department, East China University of Political Science and Law
*Japan: Ken INOUE, Senior Advisor on Democratic Governance, Japan International Cooperation Agency and Former Director for Democratic Governance, UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste

*Korea: Chung Eunsook, Senior Research Fellow, The Sejong Institute, Board Member of ACUNS
Kim Young Ho, Professor of Department of International Relations at Korea National Defense University (KNDU)
*China: H.E. SHEN Yongxiang, Member of CANUNS
*Japan: Sukehiro HASEGAWA, Former Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General, and Director for Academic Exchange, UN Association of Japan

Guest Speaker: H.E. Lee Ho-jin, Vice President and CEO of The United Nations Association of the Republic of Korea, Former Ambassador to Hungary
East Asian Challenges for Human Rights
Chair: H.E. Lee Jung-hoon, Ambassador-at-large on North Korean Human Rights, Professor of Yonsei University
Special Talks:
Seoul Office’s Mission, Roles and Challenge UN Office of High Commissioner for UN Human Rights, Signe Poulsen (Representative)
*Korea: Rhee Yoojin, Research Fellow, Korea Development Bank Reunification Business Dept.
*China: H.E. SHEN Yongxiang, Member of CANUNS
*Japan: Mikiko OTANI, Member-elect, United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child

*Korea: Kang Dong Wan, Professor of Dong-A University
Lee Jong-Joo, Policy Planning and Coordination Division Director, The Ministry of Unification
*China: ZHANG Dan, Secretary-General of CANUNS
*Japan: Misako TAKIZAWA, Professor, J.F. Oberlin University

Sustainable Development and Peace: Global Agenda and Regional Solution
Chair: H.E. SHEN Yongxiang, Member of CANUNS
*Korea: Lee Hanhee, Senior Fellow, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Harvard Kennedy School
*China: ZHANG Dan, Secretary-General of CANUNS
*Japan: Go SHIMADA, Associate Professor, Graduate School of International Relations, University of Shizuoka

*Korea: Song Young Hoon, Professor of Kangwon National University
Byun Jin Suk, Professor of Sookmyung Women’s University
*China: ZHANG Yi, Deputy Director of UNA-China
*Japan: Jun KUKITA, Professor, Kwansei Gakuen University and Former Representative of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Kazakhstan

Welcoming Remarks:
The Honorable Sung Kihak, Chairman & CEO of Youngone Corporation, Advisor and Honorary Member of KACUNS
Integrating the Respects for Universal and Local Cultural Traditions and Values in Global Governance: East Asian Perspectives
Chair: Sukehiro HASEGAWA, Former Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations
*Korea: Jo Dong-Joon, Professor of Seoul National University
*China: QIU Guixi, Assoicate Professor, Dean of School of International Studies, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
*Japan: Tatsuro KUNUGI, Board Member, Earth Charter Commission Japan; Former UN Assistant Secretary-General (Special Representative of the Secretary-General; and Deputy Executive Director, UN Population Fund)

*Korea: The Honorable Lee Seo-hang, President, Korea Institute for Maritime Strategy, Former Consul General to Mumbai
Byun Jin Suk, Professor of Central Michigan University
*China: ZHANG Jiao, Post-doctor Researcher and Lecturer, International Law Department, East China University of Political Science and Law

*Japan: Professor Takahiro SHINYO, President of JAUNS, Vice-President, Kwansei Gakuin University, Former Ambassador to Germany and Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations
Global Citizenship Education: Respects for Diverse Perspectives and Responses
Chair: ZHANG Dan, Secretary-General of CANUNS
Special Talks:
Global Citizenship Education, Chung Utak (Director, Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding)
*Korea: Yoo Seung-jick, Professor of Sookmyung Women’s University, Former President of Greenhouse Gas Inventory Information & Research Center of Korea, The Ministry of Environment
*China: QIU Guixi, Assoicate Professor, Dean of School of International Studies, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
*Japan: Miki SUGIMURA, Vice President and Professor of Sophia University

*Korea: Park Heung-soon, Dean of Graduate School, Sunmoon University
H.E. Chang Donghee, Professor of Kyungpook National University, Former Ambassador to Finland
*China: ZHANG Jiao, Post-doctoral Researcher and Lecturer, East China University of Political Science and Law
*Japan: Yasushi KATSUMA, Professor of Waseda University

Chair: H.E. Sun Joun-yung, Former Ambassador and Permanent Representative, ROK to the UN
GCED (Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding under the auspices of UNESCO)
*Korea: Bora Ju (Ewha Womans University)
*China: Fang Chengqi (Peking University)
*Japan: Yumiko Sato (Soka University)
Briefing about the Preparation of the 2017 ACUNS Annual Meeting in Seoul:
*The Honorable Hyun In-Taek, Professor of Korea University, Former Minister of Unification, Chairman of Local Organizing Committee for the 2017 ACUNS Seoul Meeting
*Mr. Alistair Edgar, Executive Director, ACUNS

Concluding Remarks:
*HONG Kyu-dok, President of KACUNS, Professor of Sookmyung Women’s University, Former Deputy Minister for Defense Reform, Ministry of National Defense
*H.E. SHEN Yongxiang, Member of CANUNS
*H.E. SHINYO Takahiro, President of JAUNS, Vice-President, Kwansei Gakuin University, Former Ambassador to Germany and Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, New York President of JAUNS
Guest Speaker: The Honorable Yoo Seong-Ok, President, Gyeongnam Development Institute