ACUNS Annual Meeting 2024: Art and Culture of Peace In Diversified and Divided World (15/06/24)

ACUNS Annual Meeting 2024

United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan

FRI-C7 Roundtable

2:00 – 3:15 pm, Friday, 21 June 2024

The Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) states that “since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.” The United Nations expressed its understanding of peace in its resolution 53/243 of 1999, Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace, that “peace not only is the absence of conflict but also requires a positive, dynamic, participatory process where dialogue is encouraged, and conflicts are solved in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation,” and recognized that the end of the Cold War had widened possibilities for strengthening a culture of peace.


This working group session will allow the participants to present their understanding of the relationship between culture and peace as the world is again divided by opposing groups with diversified cultures and ideologies. The group will examine, in particular, the core values and principles of


For more information, please click here. (15/06/24)

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