The Third Way to Reform the Security Council: Creation of a Quasi-permanent Council Member (08/06/2024)


In “Japan in Their Own Words (JITOW)” published in the June 4, 2024 issue of the official magazine of the Japan-English Language Exchange Association, SHINYO Takahiro, Special Advisor to the President of Kwansei Gakuin University and former Ambassador to the UN, explains that many UN member states believe that Security Council reform is necessary to strengthen the UN’s conflict resolution capabilities and proposed a “quasi-permanent member” with a longer term of office than the existing non-permanent members (two-year term). The creation of “quasi-permanent members” (long-term members of the Council), whose terms of office are four to eight years long and who can be reelected consecutively. The number of permanent members with privileges should not be increased further, and their veto power should be abolished or limited.

For more information, click here. (08/06/2024)

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