The Independent Commission created by the Myanmar government presented its report on January 20 indicating that Myanmar security forces committed serious human rights violations or disproportionate use of force during the internal armed conflict in August-September 2017 in northern Rakhine State which led to mass displacement of Rohingya Muslims but that they did not commit genocide against the ethnic minority.

15:00 Registration
15:30 Opening remarks
15:35 Presentation of the Commission Report
Ambassador Kenzo OSHIMA
(Former Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, and Member of Myanmar’s Independent Commission of Enquiry into the incident of August-September 2017 resulting in the mass displacement of Rohingya People)
16:15 Panel Discussion
Mr. Yasushi AKASHI, Special Advisor, Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan
Ms. Naoko KUMAGAI, Director, Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan
16:35 Short break
16:40 Open Discussion: Comments, Questions and Answers
17:30 End of the Seminar
17:30 Informal reception
18:30 End of the reception
Ambassador Kenzo OSHIMA |
Kenzo OSHIMA is currently the Managing Director of Africa Society of Japan. His government and diplomatic service included: Vice President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (2007-2011), Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations (2004-2007), Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator (2001-2003). He also served as the Secretary-General of the Secretariat for International Peace Cooperation Headquarters in the Office of the Prime Minister of Japan, where he oversaw Japan’s peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance program.
明石 康 GPAJ特別顧問 |
公益財団法人国立京都国際会館理事長、関西学院大学 SGU招聘客員教授、スリランカ平和構築担当日本政府代表
国際連合事務局入り(1957)。日本政府国連代表部大使(1979)、国連事務次長(広報担当、軍縮担(1979-92)、国連カンボジア暫定統治機構(UNTAC)事務総長特別代表(1992)、旧ユーゴスラビア国連事務総長特別代表(1994)、国連事務次長(人道問題担当、1996)。広島平和研究所長(1998-99)、特別非営利活動法人日本紛争予防センター会長(1999-2011)、公益財団法人国際文化会館理事長(2009-2018)。東京大学教養学科卒、米国バージニア大学修士(国際関係論) |
熊谷 奈緒子 GPAJ 理事 |