2018 Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum was held at JICA Ichigaya Building on December 8, 2018. It was opened by former Under-Secretary-General and Special Representatives of the Secretary-General Mr. Yasushi Akashi and keynote speech was delivered by Ambassador Fumio Iwai, Secretary-General of the Secretariat of the International Peace Cooperation Headquarters of the Cabinet Office of the Government of Japan. Please find the program with pictures of meetings and participants.

10:00 Opening Remarks (6F Seminar Room)
Yasushi AKASHI Former UN Under-Secretary-General and Special Representative of the Secretary-General, GPAJ Chief Advisor

10:20 Plenary Session (6F Seminar Room)
“Changing United Nations Peace Operations and the Role of Japan”
Keynote Speaker
Fumio IWAI Director-General, Secretariat of the International Peace Cooperation Headquarters, Cabinet Office

Yasushi AKASHI Former UN Under-Secretary-General, GPAJ Chief Advisor
Yukihiro WADA Director, United Nations Policy Division, MoFA
Kotaro KATSUKI Director, Global Issues Cooperation Division, MoFA
Tomonori YOSHIZAKI Director, Policy Simulation, National Institute for Defense Studies
Yasuhiro UEKI Professor, Faculty of Global Studies, Sophia University

Sukehiro HASEGAWA President, GPAJ
11:50 Plenary Session (6F Seminar Room)
Report on “ASEAN Regional Forum Workshop on Preventive Diplomacy, Nanjing, China”
Takaaki MIZUNO, Professor, Kanda University of International Studies and Director of GPAJ
Naoko KUMAGAI, Associate Professor, International University of Japan and Director of GPAJ

12:00 Lunch
13:00 Breakout Session 1-1: SDGs and Peacebuilding Assistance (2F Seminar Room)
Miki SUGIMURA, Vice President for Academic Exchange, Sophia University
Eiji OYAMADA, Professor, Doshisha University (via Skype)
Kenta KOMATSU, Senior Advisor for Legal Cooperation, JICA

Tadanori INOMATA, Strategic Advisor of Nagasaki University’s Center for International Collaborative Research and Director of GPAJ
Sarii KURIHARA, Graduate School Student, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Ken INOUE, Senior Advisor on Democratic Governance, JICA and Auditor of GPAJ
13:00 Breakout Session 1-2: Peace Operations in Africa and the Middle East and the Role of Japan (2F Meeting Room)
Fumio IWAI, Director-General, Secretariat of the Int’l Peace Cooperation HQ, Cabinet Office
Koji SAKANE, Senior Director, Office for Peacebuilding and Reconstruction, JICA

Hideaki SHINODA, Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Hiromi FUJISHIGE, Associate Professor, Hosei University
Kayoko GOMI, GPAJ Member
Satoru KUROSAWA, Professor, Kyoritsu Women’s University and Director of GPAJ
14:30 Break
14:45 Breakout Session 2-1: Challenges of Peacebuilding Operations (2F Seminar Room)
Takaaki MIZUNO, Professor, Kanda University of International Studies and Director of GPAJ
Naoko KUMAGAI, Associate Professor, International University of Japan and Director of GPAJ
Miwa HIRONO, Associate Professor, Ritsumeikan University
Takaaki MIZUNO and Masahisa SAKURADA, GPAJ Member

Katsumi ISHIZUKA, Professor, Kyoei University
14:45 Breakout Session 2-2: Peacebuilding and Human Mobility Challenges – Perspectives from Rohingya Refugee Crisis and European Experiences (English session) (2F Meeting Room)
Dirk Hebecker, Representative, UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) office in Japan
Yosihtaka HANADA, Former Ambassador of Japan to Timor-Leste and Vice President of GPAJ

Herman SALTON, Associate Professor, International Christian University and Deputy Secretary General of GPAJ
Ere HARU, Former Head of Human Resources Department, Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)

Fujiko AMANO, Sidley Austin Nishikawa Foreign Law Joint Enterprise
Mio SATO, Chief of Mission, International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Japan and Vice President of GPAJ

16:15 Break
16:30 Plenary Session (6F Seminar Room)
Presentation of each breakout session by respective rapporteurs

17:30 Conclusion and Closing Remarks (6F Seminar Room)
Sukehiro HASEGAWA, President of GPAJ

17:45 Administrative Announcement (6F Seminar Room)
Masakuni TANIMOTO, Secretary General of GPAJ

18:00 Reception (participation fee: JPY 2,000 each)