In their discussion of protection of civilians (POC) issues, East Asian groups examined the Kigali Principle and Cruz Report, and recommended that four countries should strengthen the coordination of their pre-deployment and on-site POC activities while noting progress made by the annual Khan Quest operations exercise in Mongolia.

Opening Session

Welcoming and congratulatory remarks were extended by Mr. Sven Schwersensky, Resident Representative of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Korea office

Professor Math Noortmann, Incoming Executive Director, Academic Council on the UN System.

Mr. Shotoku Habukawa, Principal Deputy Director, International Cooperation Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan.

Mr. Evariste Karambizi, Manager Peacebuilding and Peacekeeping Training Programme – United Nations Institute for Training & Research – UNITAR, Prof. Choi Yunmi, Korea Defense University, Ms. Niu Jianrong (Coordinator), Senior Officer of United Nations Association of China (UNA-China)
Working Session 1:Evolving Nature and Roles of UN Peace Operations (UN Perspective)

Presentations were made by:
Dr. Sebastian von Einsiedel, Director, Centre for Policy Research (CPR), UN University.

Chinese and Korean delegations

Major General Anis Ahmed Bajwa (Rtd), Former Director of Policy, Evaluation and Training, DPKO, UN Headquarters and member of the AGE for the review of UN Peacebuilding Architecture

Mr. Batzaya Odsuren, Chief of the Peace Support Operations Division, Peace Support Operations and Military Cooperation Department, General Staff, Mongolian Armed Forces, Mr. Qi Henggang, Major, Staff Officer of China Peacekeeping Police Force, Ms. Munkh-Orgil Tuvdendarjaa, Lieutenant Colonel, General Staff, Mongolian Armed Forces, Mr. Amarsaikhan Serdari (Coordinator), Chief, Special Plans Department, General Staff, Mongolian Armed Forces Mr. You Baishun, Program Officer of United Nations Association of China (UNA-China)
Mr. Evariste Karambizi, Manager, Peacekeeping Training Programme, UNITAR Geneva and Professor Choi Yunmi, Korea National Defense University
Comments were made by Professor Takaaki Mizuno of Kanda University of International Relations, Mr. Qi Henggang, Major, Staff Officer of China Peacekeeping Police Force,
Mr. Ken Inoue, Senior Advisor on Democratic Governance, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Prof. Park Heung-Soon (Coordinator), Sunmoon University, Former President of the KACUNS
Associate Professor Miwa Hirono of Ritsumeikan University, Professor Byun Jinsuk of Sookmyung Women’s University
Mr. Amarsaikhan Serdari (Coordinator), Chief, Special Plans Department, General Staff, Mongolian Armed Forces, and Ms. Kang Hyokyung, PKO center, Army Major (Rtd) of ROK.
Working Session 2: Evolving Nature and Roles of UN Peace Operations (Country Perspective)
Country case studies on their national mission experience in areas for POC were presented and discussed.
Japan case study
Ambassador Masahiko Kiya, Deputy Director-General, Africa Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and former Ambassador of Japan to South Sudan, Japan

China case study
Ms. Niu Jianrong (Coordinator), Senior Officer of United Nations Association of China

Korea case study
Prof. Kang Hyokyung, PKO center, Army Major (Rtd), Republic of Korea

Mongolia case study
Mr. Batzaya Odsuren, Chief of the Peace Support Operations Division, Peace Support Operations and Military Cooperation Department, General Staff, Mongolian Armed Forces

Discussion session:
Following the country presentations, Professor Hasegawa moderated a discussion by the participants.
Prof. Park Heung-Soon (Coordinator), Sunmoon University, Former President of the KACUNS, Prof. Sukehiro Hasegawa (Coordinator), Director of ACUNS Tokyo Liaison Office
Mr. Qi Henggang, Major, Staff Officer of China Peacekeeping Police Force, and Ms. Niu Jianrong (Coordinator), Senior Officer of United Nations Association of China
Working Session 3: Protection of Civilians and Civil Military Cooperation
Moderator: Prof. Park Heung Soon, International & UN Studies, Sunmoon University, Korea
Introductory presentation onGeneral Context of POC and Peacekeeping Missions How has been POC conducted? (from civilian and military perspective)
Examples of Civil-Military cooperation
-Anis Ahmed Bajwa, Former Director of Policy, Evaluation and Training, DPKO, UN Headquarters and member of the AGE for the review of UN Peacebuilding Architecture

Adam Day, Senior Policy Adviser, UNU Centre for Policy Research

Comments by
Qi Henggang, Major, Staff Officer of China Peacekeeping Police Force, China

Prof. Tomonori Yoshizaki, Director of Policy Simulation, the National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS), MOD, Japan

Prof. Byun Jinsuk, Sookmyung Women’s University, Korea

Ms. Munkh-Orgil Tuvdendarjaa, Lieutenant Colonel, General Staff, Mongolian Armed Forces, Mongolia

Mr. Batzaya Odsuren, Chief of the Peace Support Operations Division, Peace Support Operations and Military Cooperation Department, General Staff, Mongolian Armed Forces
Korean delegation, Mr. Amarsaikhan Serdari (Coordinator), Chief, Special Plans Department, General Staff, Mongolian Armed Forces and Prof. Jun Kukita, Kansei Gakuin University, former UNICEF Representative
Hideaki Shinoda, Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Takaaki Mizuno, Professor, Kanda University of International Relations, Associate Professor Miwa Hirono of Ritsumeikan University.
Associate Professor Ai Kihara-Hunt of Tokyo University and Mr. Batzaya Odsuren, Chief of the Peace Support Operations Division, Peace Support Operations and Military Cooperation Department, General Staff, Mongolian Armed Forces
Wrap-up Session : Potential for Cooperation
Moderator: Niels Hegewisch, Resident Representative, FES Mongolia
-Summary and recommendations; Action plan on engaging national governments
-Planning for the next Forum

Mr. Niels Hegewisch, Resident Representative, FES Mongolia, Prof. Park Heung-Soon (Coordinator), Sunmoon University, Former President of the KACUNS, Mr. Amarsaikhan Serdari (Coordinator), Chief, Special Plans Department, General Staff, Mongolian Armed Forces

Welcoming and Congratulatory Remarks by
-Dr. Stephan Grabherr, Chargé d’Affaires a. i. Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Tokyo

-Mr. Sven Saaler, Resident Representative of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Japan (FES)

-Professor Math Noortmann, Executive Director designate, ACUNS

-Mr. Masaki Noke, Director-General, International Peace Cooperation Headquarters, Prime Minister`s Office, Japan

Koran participants

Mongolian participants

Japanese participants
Professor Jun KUKITA, Kwansei Gakuin University, former UNICEF Representative, Mr. Ken INOUE, Senior Advisor on Democratic Governance, Japan International Peace Cooperation Agency (JICA), Associate Professor Miwa Hirono of Ritsumeikan University, Ms. Hinata Imai, Program Adviser, Secretariat of the International Peace Cooperation Headquarters, Cabinet Office, Ai KIHRA-HUNT, Associate Professor, University of Tokyo
Japanese participants, Professor Akiko Fukushima of Aoyama Gakuin University and Professor Yasuhiro Ueki of Sophia University
Introductory presentations on UN Peace Operations
Adam Day, UN University’s Centre for Policy Research, Japan
Anis Ahmed Bajwa, Major General (rtd), Former Diector of Policy, Evaluation and Training, DPKO, UN Headquarters and member of the AGE for the review of UN Peacebuilding Architecture

Ambassador Yoshifumi Okamura, Former Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the UN and Ambassador for Peace and Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Country presentations

-Kohei Nakamura, Director, International Peace Cooperation Division, MOF, Japan

-Niu Jianrong, Senior Officer of United Nations Association of China (UNA-China)

-Prof. Park Heung-Soon, Sunmoon University, Former President of the KACUNS

-Amarsaikhan Serdari, Chief, Special Plans Department, General Staff, Mongolian Armed Forces
Plenary discussion

Professor Ueki of Sophia University and Mr. Yukihiro Wada, Director of UN Policy Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Professor Tadanori Inomata, Strategic Advisor of Nagasaki University and Professor Mariko Shoji of Keiai University

Assistant Professor Shukuko Koyama of Waseda University, and Prof. Sukehiro Hasegawa, Director of ACUNS Tokyo Office who made concluding remarks.
Reception held on Thursday April 19 was attended by seven members of the National Diet of Japan.
H.E. Mr. Seishiro ETO, Member of the House of Representatives; Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, Liberal Democratic Party of Japan
H.E. Mr. Ichiro AISAWA, Member of the House of Representatives; Chairperson, Japan-AU Parliamentary Friendship Association, Liberal Democratic Party of Japan
H.E. Mr. Shoichi KONDO, Former Vice-Minister of the Environment, Member of the House of Representative, Constitutional Democratic Party
H.E. Mr. Yukihisa FUJITA, Member of the House of Councilors; Member, Committee on Foreign and Defense Affairs, House of Councilors
H.E. Mr. Manabu HORII, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan and Member of the House of Representative, Liberal Democratic Party
H.E. Ms. Hiroe MAKIYAMA, Director-General National Rallying and Canvassing Department, Member of the House of Councilors, Democratic Party
H.E. Ms. Mizuho FUKUSHIMA, Former President of Democratic Socialist Party, Member of the House of Councilors
H.E. Mr. Seishiro Eto, Member of the House of Representatives; Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, Liberal Democratic Party of Japan

H.E. Mr. Ichiro Aisawa, Member of the House of Representatives; Chairperson, Japan-AU Parliamentary Friendship Association, Liberal Democratic Party of Japan

H.E. Mr. Manabu Horii, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan and Member of the House of Representative, Liberal Democratic Party

H.E. Mr. Shoichi KONDO, Former Vice-Minister of the Environment, Member of the House of Representative, Constitutional Democratic Party

H.E. Mr. Yukihisa Fujita, Member of the House of Councilors; Member, Committee on Foreign and Defense Affairs, House of Councilors

H.E. Ms. Hiroe MAKIYAMA, Director-General National Rallying and Canvassing Department, Member of the House of Councilors, Democratic Party