Here is a proposal by 3 former Japanese Special Representatives of the Secretary-General of the United Nation and 3 former Japanese Ambassadors to the United Nations. Please click here for the full text that appeared in the Japan Times.

Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan (GPAJ) and Kyoto Peacebuilding Center (KPC) Present Emerging Development in Myanmar
Please email to naokokumagai71[@] for registration.

The Advisory Statement and Recommendations on Myanmar addressed to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Toshimitsu MOTEGI was drawn up by three former SRSGs, Yasushi AKASHI (Cambodia and Former Yugoslavia), Sukehiro HASEAWA (Timor-Leste), Tadamichi YAMAMOTO (Afghanistan) and three Japanese Ambassadors to the United Nations, Kenzo OSHIMA (2004~2007), Takahiro SHINYO (2006~2008) and Toshiya HOSHINO (2017~2020).
Please click here for the Advisory Statement and Recommendations.

Aleksandra Babovic and Arbenita Sopaji, two members of the Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan (GPAJ), examine Japan`s approach to the Myanmar crisis in their article published by the Institute for Policy Studies dated April 5, 2021. Please click here for full article.

Assistant Secretary-General Babacar Cisse explains the United Nations African Union Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID)`s Transition from Peacekeeping to Peace Building in Darfur (08/03/2021)
Ambassador Tadamichi Yamamoto, former Special Representative of the Secretary-General; Ilidio Ximenes da Cost, Timorese Ambassador of Timor-Leste to Japan; Yasuhiro Ueki, Professor of Sophia University and Former UN Spokesperson; Takaaki Mizuno, Lecturer at Tokyo University and Hosei University; Keiichi Tanabe, Associate Professor, Department of International Studies, School of Humanities and Culture, Tokai University; Mayumi Yamada, Assistant Professor, College of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University; Naoko Kumagai, Vice President of GPAJ and Associate Professor of Aoyama Gakuin University join the debate on the transition process. Please click here for full report.

ASG Babacar Cisse for UNMID will make a briefing on the plan of transition from peacekeeping to peacebuilding on Tuesday, March 2, at 10:00 am Japan time (27/02/2021)
Please see the attached program of the briefing session and send an email message to the organizer: Ms. Arbenita Sopaj (arbenitasopaj[@] by Monday, March 1, 2021.

Members of the Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan issues their Statement of the Currently Situation in Myanmar (24/02/2021)
They call upon the UN Security Council to establish a special political mission to pursue the Primacy of Politics approach advocated by the High-Level Independent Panel on Peace Operations in 2015 and focus on the political solution to the current conflict in Myanmar; to enable Myanmar`s armed forces, the NLD and any other stakeholders in Myanmar to resolve their differences in a peaceful manner and restore democratic governance, the rule of law and human rights.