Ambassador Tadamichi Yamamoto, former Special Representative of the Secretary-General; Ilidio Ximenes da Cost, Timorese Ambassador of Timor-Leste to Japan; Yasuhiro Ueki, Professor of Sophia University and Former UN Spokesperson; Takaaki Mizuno, Lecturer at Tokyo University and Hosei University; Keiichi Tanabe, Associate Professor, Department of International Studies, School of Humanities and Culture, Tokai University; Mayumi Yamada, Assistant Professor, College of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University; Naoko Kumagai, Vice President of GPAJ and Associate Professor of Aoyama Gakuin University join the debate on the transition process. Please click here for full report.
ASG Babacar Cisse for UNMID will make a briefing on the plan of transition from peacekeeping to peacebuilding on Tuesday, March 2, at 10:00 am Japan time (27/02/2021)
Please see the attached program of the briefing session and send an email message to the organizer: Ms. Arbenita Sopaj (arbenitasopaj[@] by Monday, March 1, 2021.
Members of the Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan issues their Statement of the Currently Situation in Myanmar (24/02/2021)
They call upon the UN Security Council to establish a special political mission to pursue the Primacy of Politics approach advocated by the High-Level Independent Panel on Peace Operations in 2015 and focus on the political solution to the current conflict in Myanmar; to enable Myanmar`s armed forces, the NLD and any other stakeholders in Myanmar to resolve their differences in a peaceful manner and restore democratic governance, the rule of law and human rights.
Former Foreign Minister of Serbia and President of the UN General Assembly Vuk Jeremić on Serbia, Kosovo and the United Nations (25/03/2021)
If you are interested in participating in this event, please send your name and email address to Aleksandra Babovic at aleksandrababovic[@] by March 22, 2021.
Online Seminar on “Present at the Closing: A Personal Insight into The Last Days of the Soviet Union” will be held with Mr. David Chikvaidze as the keynote speaker and former Ambassador of Japan to the UN Tsuneo Nshida, Chair of ACUNS Lise Howard and Dr. Vesselin Popovski, Executive Director of the Centre for the Study of United Nations at the Jindal Global University in India as the panel discussants. Those interested in participating in this seminar are invited to register with Professor Ai Kihara-Hunt (aikiharahunt[@] (02/02/2021)
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Online Book Review No. 3: Hybrid State Building Caught Between Liberalism and Local Centered Approach by Professors Hiromi FUJISHIGE and Yuji UESUGI (24/02/2021)
日本国際平和構築協会Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan (GPAJ) 第3回オンライン・ブッ…
Dahlia Simangan (Assistant Professor, Hiroshima University), Arbenita Sopaj (PhD student, Kobe University), and Raymond Andaya (Graduate students, University of Tokyo) who are members of the Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan launched the inaugural podcast episode of the Scholars Unbound-ACUNS Tokyo Series. (17/01/2021)
The ACUNS Tokyo Liaison Office started a partnership with the Scholar…
In his keynote address to the conference of Japanese parliamentary members` peace forum in Tokyo, David Malone, Rector of the United Nations University and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, drew a parallel between the UN emerging after World War II as a replacement of the League of Nations, and Japan replacing the failed leadership of the country in the same time period. Malone concluded that the Tokyo parliamentary peace forum can be useful in advancing the debate on actions that needed to be taken to address global crises and challenges.
David Malone, Rector of the United Nations University and Under-Secre…
Mr. Kimihito OKUBO, Founder of One Young World Japan Committee explains the significance of the One Young World Summit, which will be held in May 2022 in Tokyo, to be joined by 3,000 young leaders represented by 190 countries. Reported by Fujiko Amano. (05/12/2020)
On December 5, 2020, GPAJ held a seminar with Mr. Kimihito Okubo, the Principal and Founder of One Young World Japan Committee (his bio included at the end of this document). The idea of One Young World (OYW) was raised at the World Economic Forum in 2009 and it was founded in 2010. OYW, particularly through its Summit [which is referred to as “Young Davos” and which is also facilitated by “counsellors” like renowned politicians, activists, chief executive officers etc.] aspires to develop global youth leadership for future through jointly addressing and solving global problems and issues.