OPINIONS Security Council Reform: When and How It Can Be Done O…
The Symposium to Commemorate the 70th Anniversary of International Cooperation, jointly organized by UNDP and JICA, was held (24/12/2024)
The “Symposium to Commemorate the 70th Anniversary of International Co…
Mr. Sukehiro Hasegawa participated in the 20th Tokyo-Beijing Forum (13/12/2024)
At the 20th Tokyo-Beijing Forum held on 5 December 2024 in Tokyo, the …
At the Tokyo-Beijing Forum hosted by the NPO Genron, a multifaceted discussion was held on topics ranging from UN reform to public diplomacy, with the aim of resolving global conflicts and building peace. Takahiro Shinyo (former UN ambassador, special advisor to the president of Kwansei Gakuin University) made a speech. (13/12/2024)
Mr. Takahiro Shinyo (former UN Ambassador, Special Advisor to the Pres…
Asia Pacific Conference 2024, November 30 – December 1, 2024 “Bridging Divides for Global Recovery”(10/12/2024)
The yearly conference organized by the RitsumeikanCenter for Asia Paci…
Judge Motoo Noguchi gave a speech in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia(2/12/2024)
Motoo Noguchi, a director of the Global Peacebuilding Association of J…
Akashi, Marwala, and Hasegawa Discuss the Possibilities for Cooperation between the Kyoto Peacebuilding Center and the United Nations University. (22/11/2024)
The Honorary Chair of the Council of the Kyoto Peacebuilding Center, M…
GPAJ Special Advisor AKASHI Yasushi Opened the Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum 2024 on 2 November 2024.(6/11/2024)
In his opening remarks, Mr. Yasushi Akashi highlighted the significanc…
Peace and security – the core mission of the United Nations (23/10/2024)
In her article contributed to the UN Association of Germany, Kerstin Leitner notes that the United Nations member states have agreed on a “Pact for the Future.” Still, the language on the UN Charter – and thus also on current threats to international peace – is not specific enough. Please click here for the full article. (23/10/2024)