Peacekeeping must strengthen civilian capacities for protection, as effective protection requires a whole-of-mission effort. To that end, developing comprehensive strategies that incorporate all mission personnel and the capacities of UN humanitarian and development actors is essential, as is close cooperation and support to regional organizations. Improving the role of civilian personnel in strengthening the capacities of host governments and supporting communities with the development of community-based protection plans are other important areas requiring further efforts.

Further supports of UN peace operations pledged by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (28/06/2017)
In a message to the event commemorating 25th anniversary of the enactment of the peacekeeping cooperation law, the Japanese Prime Minister promised more active contributions to UN peace cooperation.

First meeting of the ACUNS Tokyo Forum held at UN University (19/06/2017)
Experts and practitioners exchanged their views and suggestions on how to revitalize the UN system.

ACUNS 2017 held for the first time in Asia (15-17/06/2017)
At the ACUNS annual meeting held in Seoul, nearly 20 Japanese scholars and experts of UN peace operation joined 250 other participants from all over the world and discussed how to revitalize the United Nations in human rights, peace and development.

Professor Margaret Karns interviews ACUNS Tokyo Chief for ACUNS Podcast (16/06/2017)
Hasegawa emphasizes the importance of including Asian representatives in the organization of ACUNS. A co-operation between Japan, China, and Korea would help East Asian members in supporting, not just attending, ACUNS events.

Protection and Promotion of Human Rights in Humanitarian Crises taken up by Experts at ACUNS Seoul Meeting (16/06/2017)
Ai Kihara-Hunt, Associate Professor of Tokyo University made a presentation on her findings about individual criminal accountability of UN police personnel, who serve in UN peace operations.

More than 20 Japanese Scholars and Practitioners participated in ACUNS Seoul meeting on Peace, Human Rights and Development (15/06/2017)
In plenary sessions, Professors Hoshino of Osaka University and Kihara-Hunt of Tokyo University joined Hasegawa in making presentations at the Plenary Sessions on the Role of the UN in the Future of the Korean Peninsula, Promotion of Human Rights in Humanitarian Crises.

Asia expected to Increase its Voice and Representation in ACUNS (15/06/2017)
Hasegawa calls for Asian participants to voice more actively their views and opinions at ACUNS meetings and contribute more to dialogue and mutual understandings across academics and practitioners of the world.

Japan-China-Korea Trilateral Asian Seminar on the UN System held in Changnyeong, Korea (13-15/10/2016)
President of JAUNS and Vice President of Kwansei Gakuin University, Former Ambassador of Japan to Germany and Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Professor Takahiro SHINYO lead a twelve-person Japanese delegation to the trilateral seminar.

Han Sung-joo speaks about the contradictory triangular relationship among China, Japan and Korea (13/10/2016)
Moves toward integration, increasing economic interdependence, expansion of social networks are countered by even stronger nationalistic sentiment, historical baggage, opportunistic and politically driven policies, contending territorial claims and changing geo-political conditions.