Prof. Ai Kihara-Hunt of Tokyo University elaborated on the legal development related to sexual violence during the conflict and recommended on how to better prevent further SEA by UN personnel.

President of the Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan congratulates Noeleen Heyzer for her appointment to UN Mediation Board (23/09/2017)
UN Secretary-General: The Board represents the “surge in diplomacy for peace” and is expected to allow the United Nations to work more effectively with regional organizations, non-governmental groups and others involved in preventive diplomacy around the world.

Trump endorses SG Guterres’ proposal for UN reform (18/09/2017)
Trump commended the Secretary General for trying to focus more on people and less on bureaucracy in order to regain the trust of the people around the world.

José Ramos-Horta, former President and now Minister of State and Counsellor for National Security of the new Government of Timor-Leste is appointed member of UN Secretary-General’s High-level Advisory Board on Mediation (13/09/2017)
The Advisory Board on Mediation includes Jean-Marie Guéhenno (France) had served as the UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations and Noeleen Heyzer (Singapore) had served as Executive Secretary of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and as Executive Director of the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).

Restructuring of the United Nations Peace and Security Pillar (11/09/2017)
António Guterres’ proposes to establish a combined Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, and a single department named the Department of Peace Operations to be responsible for both peacekeeping and special political missions.

Heads of UN Associations of China, Japan and Korea meet in Beijing (28/08/2017)
Ambassador Lu Shumin, President of UN Association of China welcomed Dr. Genshitsu Sen, President and Vice President Akashi Yasushi of UN Association of Japan as well as Vice President Ambassador Ho-Jin Lee of UN Association of the Republic of Korea and Ambassador Park Soo Gil, President of the World Federation of UN Associations.

Masaki Noke, new Director-General of the International Peace Cooperation Secetariat of the Cabinet Office reiterates that Japan will make further contributtions to meet the diverse operational needs of UN peace operations (25/08/2017)
In his opening speech to the consultation meeting held with Mr. Hatem Elatawy, Deputy Director of Cairo Center for Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in Africa (CCCPA), Director-General Noke indicated three salient developments concerning international peace cooperation.

Japan’s assistance for African peace and security reviewed by African expert and Japanese scholars and practitioners. (25/08/2017)
Hatem Elatawy, Deputy Director of Cairo Center for Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in Africa (CCCPA) appreciates Japan`s continued contributions to building institutional and human capacity is most desirable for African countries.

USG Khare: Central Challenge in Peacebuilding is to foster respect for “Rule of Law” among leaders and people of post-conflict countries (23/08/2017)
United Nations Under-Secretary-General Atul Khare emphasised that the United Nations should find mechanism acceptable to countries in conflict as the UN can neither replace governments of countries in conflict nor impose peace on them.

Japanese students prepare for their participation in JCK Model UN and Symposium sessions to be held in Beijing, China, from 29 August to 3 September (3-5/08/2017)
20 Japanese participants held three day intensive preparatory workshop at the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center in Tokyo.