東京大学キハラハント教授と大学院生による東ティモールの移行期正義に関する概観 (29/11/2017)
アフガニスタン、オーストラリア、日本とネパールの大学院生が、元国連東ティモール事務総長特別代表と東ティモール受容真実和解委員会(CAVR)、重大犯罪プロセス(SCP)、専門家委員会(COE)、真実友好委員会(CTF)の意義と役割について検証(報告者 三浦帆奈)
アフガニスタン、オーストラリア、日本とネパールの大学院生が、元国連東ティモール事務総長特別代表と東ティモール受容真実和解委員会(CAVR)、重大犯罪プロセス(SCP)、専門家委員会(COE)、真実友好委員会(CTF)の意義と役割について検証(報告者 三浦帆奈)
Opening remarks by former SRSG Yasushi Akashi and Keynote Speech by Ambassador Yoshifumi Okamura at University of Tokyo Komaba Campus. Anyone interested in this symposium is invited to contact kihara-hunt[@]gpaj.org (*Please change [@] to @ when you send an e-mail).
In a Video Message, Former Special Representative of the Secretary-General Sukehiro Hasegawa Explains How Japan Engineering Group of the Japanese Defense Forces contributed to infrastructure rehabilitation in Timor-Leste.
Mr. Ad de Raad, a modest, charismatic and caring leader, introduced profound changes within the UN system enhancing the relevance of volunteerism to peace and development worldwide.
Participants discussed measures to enhance the collaborative relationship between ACUNS and East Asian countries including the possibility of the ACUNS Liaison Office to facilitate the participation of East Asian scholars and practitioners in ACUNS’ Annual Meetings.
UNTAC held extensive authority and kept firmness, but remained flexible in implementing the Paris Accords for achieving peaceful power sharing by political factions.
Anthony Duncker, Deputy Director of the Field Personnel Division (FPD) UN Headquarters New York and Naoual Driouich, Chief of Human Resources Section of UN Volunteers (UNV) Boon made detailed explanations to about 40 Japanese who are interested in joining the UN system.
At the conference of the Japan Association for Human Security Studies held in Kyoto, Japan, ACUNS Tokyo Liaison Office Deputy Director, Prof. Ai Kihara-Hunt of the University of Tokyo, presented her findings on the militarization of UN Police personnel and the rise of Protection of Civilians mandates in UN peace operations.
Both Mr. Takakazu ITO and Dr. Herman SALTON will make a presentation on the multilateral diplomacy among the United Nations to strengthen UN peacebuilding from 15:00 to 17:30 on Saturday 17th November 2018 at JICA Headquater Room 111.
If you would like to participate, please contact Mr. Masakuni Tanimoto Secretary-General of GPAJ (tanimoto[@]gpaj.org).