Japanese Ambassador Koro Bessho urged that complex contemporary challenges to international peace and security should be dealt with in a holistic and methodological manner to better address the situation on the ground and presented four ideas which included reform of the UN Security Council.

President of International Crisis Group Jean-Marie Guéhenno shares his views on the changing nature of conflict in conversation with Sebastian von Einsiedel, Director of the UNU Centre for Policy Research. (14/12/2017)
Former Under-Secretary-General for UN Department for Peacekeeping Operations Jean-Marie Guéhenno finds conflicts multilayers and “never dying” reflecting the erosion of international norms and a widening political divide.

Visit of UN Secretary-General António Guterres (14/12/2017)
U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres met with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and spoke to students at Sophia University about the increasing relevance of the human security concept in dealing with vexing challenges particularly the nuclear threat, mass movement of people, climate change, and increased inequality.

Japan supports UN management reform proposed by Secretary-General António Guterres but insists on strict budgetary discipline (04/12/2017)
Japanese Ambassador Toshiya Hoshino suggested the need to create a consensus to build up a solid basis upon which the Secretary-General can bring forward detailed UN reform proposals in May 2018.

Global Peacebuilding Association holds its first annual conference and discussed the changing role of UN peace operations in the morning session. (02/12/2017)
Former SRSG Yasushi Akashi recalled his determination to saw “the strong seeds of democracy, then let people of Cambodia grow it,” while Ambassador Yoshifumi Okamura pointed out the cases where the reality in the field of peacekeeping is not reflected in the considerations at the Security Council.

Global Peacebuilding Association Panel One discusses the changing UN peace operation policies (02/12/2017)
Higashi identified challenges caused by POC, Hisamura presented field perspective, Takazawa theorized the crossroads between Protection of Civilians (POC) mandates and R2P, and Tsuyada explained MOFA`s assistance in capacity building of peacekeeping personnel, while Miwa revealed the dilemma in mandate formulation and implementation.

Professor Mizuno receives the highest rating by the graduate students of Tokyo University (02/12/2017)
Graduate students who participated in the annual meeting of the Global Peacebuilding of Japan found the presentation made by Professor Takayuki Mizuno of Kanda University of International Relations best in terms of its content and clarity of presentation.

Professor Kihara-Hunt Ai of Tokyo University and four graduate students of Tokyo University review the transitional justice processes of Timor-Leste (29/11/2017)
Graduate students from Afghanistan, Australia, Japan and Nepal assess the purposes and significance of CAVR, Serious Crimes Process, Commission of Experts, Truth and Friendship Commission and Commission of Inquiry with former Special Representative of the Secretary-General Sukehiro Hasegawa for Timor-Leste. This report is filed by Ms. Hanna Miura.

Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan: First Annual Meeting, Tokyo University Komaba Campus (02/12/2017)
“Peacebuilding: Roles of International Community and Japan”(2017/12/02 10:00-18:00 @Collaboration Room 4, Building 18 Floor 4, Komaba Campus, the University of Tokyo)

Symposium on New Challenges in UN Peace Operations in Africa 「アフリカでの国連平和活動の新たな試練」(02/12/2017)
Opening remarks by former SRSG Yasushi Akashi and Keynote Speech by Ambassador Yoshifumi Okamura at University of Tokyo Komaba Campus. Anyone interested in this symposium is invited to contact kihara-hunt[@]gpaj.org (*Please change [@] to @ when you send an e-mail).