For video recordings and a written summary of the seminar, please click here.

Takahiro SHINYO Former Ambassador of Japan to the United Nations and Germany will speak on “The Primacy of Peacemaking1: How Kosovo Crisis ended and its lesson to the post-Corona conflicts” on Saturday, July 3, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. Tokyo, 1:00 p.m. Geneva and 7:00 a.m. New York (02/08/2021)
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UN Special Envoy for Myanmar, Christine Bergner, met on May 26, 2021, with former UN Special Representatives and Japanese Ambassadors at the Kyoto International Peacebuilding Center in Tokyo. During her stay in Tokyo, the UN Special Envoy also met with Japanese Foreign Minister Motegi and Senior Political Leaders ETO Seishiro, AISAWA Ichiro and NAKAGAWA Masaharu. (25/07/2021)
UN Secretary-General`s Special Envoy for Myanmar Christine Bergner met with Yasushi AKASHI (Former SRSG for Cambodia, former Yugoslavia) Sukehiro HASEGAWA (Former SRSG for Timor-Leste) Tadamichi YAMAMOTO (Former SRSG for Afghanistan) at the Kyoto International Peacebuilding Center on the Tokyo Gaien Campus on May 26, 2021. Former Japanese Ambassadors to the United Nations, Kenzo OSHIMA, Takahiro SNINYO and Toshiya HOSHINO also participated in the meeting along with Mr. Takahiro NIWA, Chairman of the Council of the Kyoto International Peacebuilding Center.

ASEAN Members divided on UN Resolution on Export of Arms to Myanmar. (18/06/2021)
The UN General Assembly calls upon Myanmar to swiftly implement the five-point consensus reached at the Leaders’ Meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations held on 24 April 2021 to facilitate a peaceful solution in the interest of the people of Myanmar and their livelihoods, and to that end calls upon all stakeholders in Myanmar to cooperate with the Association and the Special Envoy of the Chair of the Association, and expresses its support for these efforts.

Kwansei University Open Online Lecture: Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa presents “Lessons Learned from UN Peace Operations in Rwanda and Timor-Leste” (23/06/2021)
Please click here for a detailed announcement.

Book Review: The 3rd On-line Book Review Meeting on “Inazo Nitobe, 1862-1933, I shall be a bridge over the Pacific Ocean” By Katsuhide Kusahara At 20:00-21:30 on Saturday, 19 June 2021 Japan time (09/06/2021)
To participate please contact Ken Inoue(camelworld[@]

A Conversation with Former President and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate José Ramos-Horta on Myanmar, COVID-19 and the New World. (11/06/2021)
Click here for the report of this conversation.

The Japanese parliament, known as Diet, condemned on June 8, 2021 the coup d’état staged by the Tatmadaw – the Burmese military. (08/06/2021)
During his online conversation with Japanese diplomats and scholars, former President and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate José Ramos-Horta praised Japan for upholding the principle of democratic governance. He was referring to the resolution passed by the Lower House on June 8, 2021, which condemned the coup d’état staged by the Myanmar military. The resolution, adopted by a majority vote in the Lower House, demanded early restoration of democratic governance in Myanmar.

ACUNS President Lise Morjé Howard presents Three Essentials of Power in Peacekeeping (03/06/2021)
For the registration, please click here.

Our Thoughts on the Path to Peacebuilding in Myanmar (28/05/2021)
For registration, please contact Mr. Masakuni Tanimoto (tanimoto[@]