Visit of UN Secretary-General António Guterres (14/12/2017)


U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres met with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and spoke to students at Sophia University about the increasing relevance of the human security concept in dealing with vexing challenges particularly the nuclear threat, mass movement of people, climate change, and increased inequality.


Professor Kihara-Hunt Ai of Tokyo University and four graduate students of Tokyo University review the transitional justice processes of Timor-Leste (29/11/2017)


Graduate students from Afghanistan, Australia, Japan and Nepal assess the purposes and significance of CAVR, Serious Crimes Process, Commission of Experts, Truth and Friendship Commission and Commission of Inquiry with former Special Representative of the Secretary-General Sukehiro Hasegawa for Timor-Leste. This report is filed by Ms. Hanna Miura.