Former President and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate José Ramos-Horta calls for Japan, China and South Korea to forge partnership along with India to stabilize Asia and help other Asian countries reduce poverty and clean up their environment and provide positive leadership in the United Nations and the Global Community (05/09/2020)
President José Ramos-Horta was followed by former Under-Secretary-General Ameerah Haq who emphasized the importance of preserving the rule-based international order. They are joined by former SRSG to Afghanistan Tadamichi YAMAMOTO and Ambassador Yasuyoshi KOMIZO to IAEA in Vienna, Nippon University Lecturer Yuichi KUBOTA, JICA Peacebuilding Chief Koji SAKANE, Professor Takaaki MIZUNO, GPAJ Vice President Ken INOUE and Elizabeth GAMARRA, Rotary Fellow at ICU, Tokyo. Please click here for a video coverage.