This is a first dialogue meeting between East Asian Scholars and senior officials of the UN and International Organizations headquartered in Geneva. We will address contemporary issues related to the protection of human rights, migration and peacebuilding situation of the globalized world and examine what East Asian countries should and can do. The participants from Japan, China, Republic of Korea and Mongolia will assemble in Geneva on Sunday, 15 July, for dialogue meetings to be held on 16 and 17 July at the Palais des Nations, the Palais Wilson and the Maison de la Paix. Organized by the ACUNS Tokyo Office and the UN Office in Geneva.
Chinese, Japanese and Korean scholars and professionals are invited to join in two-day consultation meetings on Human Rights, Migration and Peacebuilding in Geneva. If you are interested in participating, please contact ACUNS Tokyo Deputy Director, Associate Professor Ai Kihara-Hunt. Her e-mail address is kiharahunt[*] (Please change [*] to @ when sending an email). |

(Please see the Administrative and Logistic Information)
Day 1: Monday 16 JulyVENUE: UN Headquarters in Geneva, Palais des Nations8-14, Avenue de La paixCH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
8:30 Assemble at the Porte Pregny entrance situated at 14, Avenue de la paix, Geneva (Passport information needed for entry permits to be arranged by the Office of the Chef de Cabinet, UNOG)
9:00 Guided tour or just a visit to the Human Rights Chamber if the guided tour is not available (to be arranged by the Office of the Chef de Cabinet, UNOG)
10:30 Meeting with Director-General Michael Moller
Venue: Room IV, the Romanian room, on the 3rd floor of building C
Role of the UN Office in Geneva, three clusters of UN and International Organizations in Human Rights, Humanitarian Affairs, Trade and Disarmament
- Mr. David A Chikvaidze, Chef de Cabinet, UN Office in Geneva
Discussants: (5 minutes each)
- Japan: Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa, President, Global Peacebuilding Association of JapanAmbassador Tadanori INOMATA, Former Ambassador to Costa Rica, Strategic Advisor of Nagasaki University
- China: Professor SHENG Hongsheng, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law
- Korea: Professor Changrok Soh, Ph.D. Professor of Politics and International Relations, Director of Human Rights Center, Korea University
Discussion by Participants: Questions and Answers
11:30 UNHCR: United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesUN High Commissioner Filippo Grandi
Venue: Palais de Nations meeting room
Assistant High Commissioner Volker Turk
Contemporary issues faced by UNHCR – What can or should East Asian countries do? (Keynote speech 20 minutes)
Discussants: (5 minutes each)
- Japan: Prof. Takaaki Mizuno, Professor, Kanda University of International Studies
- Korea: Professor
- China:Professor Zhang Guihong, Director, Center for UN Studies, Fudan University, and Vice President & Secretary-General, Shanghai UN Research Association
- Student: Ms. Reina Motegi, Student, the University of Tokyo
Discussion by Participants: Questions and Answers(please prepare in advance a question you may pose)
13:00 Lunch at restaurants and cafeteria, Palais des Nations
14:30 IOM: International Organization for MigrationDirector General William Swing
Venue: Room IV, the Romanian room, on the 3rd floor of building C
Inclusive and Innovative Partnership Possible ? What can, or should East Asian countries do? (Keynote speech 20 minutes)
- Multilevel partnership- Global, Regional, National and Local Challenges
- Inclusive partnership- Civil society, private sector
- Innovative partnership- Ethical recruitment, integration
Discussants: (5 minutes each)
- Japan: Aigul Kulnazarova, Professor, Tama University
- Korea: Professor Taehee Whang, Yonsei University
- China: Professor SHENG Hongsheng, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law
Discussion by Participants: Questions and Answers(please prepare in advance a question you may pose)
16:00 ICRC: International Committee of the Red CrossMr Dominik Stillhart, Director of Operations and Valerie Petitpierre, Coordinator for Syria
Venue: Room IV, the Romanian room, on the 3rd floor of building C
Syria: Implications of the breaches of humanitarian law ? what can or should East Asian countries do? (Keynote speech 20 minutes)
Discussants: (5 minutes each)
- Japan: Aigul Kulnazarova, Professor, Tama UniversityYasushi KATSUMA, Professor, Waseda University
- China: Professor Zhang Guihong, Fudan University
- Korea: Dr. Sijeong Lim, Assistant Professor, the University of Amsterdam
- Mongolia: Amarsaikhan Serdari, Colonel and Chief of Special Plans Office, the General Staff HQ of the Mongolian Armed Forces
- Student: Mr. Icchiku Yamada, masters student, the University of Tokyo
18:30-20:00 Free Dinner

9:30 Assemble at the Palais Wilson, Quai Wilson 47, 1201 Geneve, Switzerland Bus stop: Butini
10:00 Meeting with the Deputy High Commissioner for Human RightsKate Gilmore
Retreat in human rights all over the world ? what can, or should East Asian countries do? (Keynote speech 20 minutes)
Discussants: (5 minutes each)
- Japan: Ai Kihara-Hunt, Associate Professor, University of Tokyo
- China: Professor SHENG Hongsheng, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law
- Korea: Prof. Changrok Soh, Korea University
11:30 Briefing Session on Universal Periodic Review
- Mr. MAGAZZENI Gianni, Chief of the UPR Branch, Council and Treaty Mechanisms Division (CTMD)
- Briefing on China, Japan and Korea
12:30 Lunch and move to the Palais de la paix, Chemin Eugene-Rigot 2, CH-1211 Geneva 21

14:30 Academic session on Sustainable Development Goal 16
VENUE: Room S5, Pillar 1, Maison de la Paix, Chemin Eugene-Rigot 2, CH-1211 Geneva 21
Contemporary Peacebuilding Issues, or Any prospect for providing access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Moderators: Sukehiro Hasegawa, President, Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan (GPAJ) and Achim Wennmann, Executive Coordinator, Geneva Peacebuilding Platform
Presentations (10-15 minutes each):
- Achim Wennmann, Executive Coordinator, Geneva Peacebuilding Platform
- Robert Watkins, Research Associate of the Centre for Conflict, Development, and Peacebuilding and Former Resident Coordinator of the United Nations Operational Activities in Bangladesh
- Delidji Eric Degila, Research Associate at the CCDP, Senior Researcher at the Graduate Institute’s Global Migration Centre (GMC) and Adjunct Professor of International Relations at Benin Ecole Nationale d’Administration, ENA
- Mark Downes, Assistant Director and Head of DCAF’s Operations Department. He was previously head of DCAF’s International Security Sector Advisory Team (ISSAT)
15:30 Break
15:45 Discussion Session
- Japan: Yuji Uesugi, Professor, Waseda University
- China: Professor SHENG Hongsheng, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law
- Korea: Dr. Sijeong Lim, Assistant Professor, the University of Amsterdam
Questions and Answers
17:00 Presentation and discussion of the “Northeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Initiative (NEA-NWFZ)”
- H.E. Mr.Tadashi Inuzuka, a former Senator in the House of Councillors of the Diet of Japan
17:30 Concluding remarks by Professor Sukehiro Hasegawa
17:45 End of the consultation meetings and proceed to the reception
18:30 Buffet dinner reception hosted by Ambassador Junichi Ihara, Permanent Representative of Japan to United Nations and International Organizations in Geneva at his official residence
- Sukehiro HasegawaDirector, ACUNS Tokyo Liaison Office, and President, Global Peacebuilding Association of Japansh[@]
- Erika FreyAssistant to Professor Hasegawaerikafrey[@] / +41 79 501 87 98 (Mobile)
- Kihara-Hunt AiDeputy Director, ACUNS Tokyo Liaison Office and Associate Professor, University of Tokyoaikiharahunt[@]
- Masakuni TanimotoDirector for Administrationtanimoto[@] / tanimoto[@]
- David A Chikvaidze Chef de Cabinet UN Office in Geneva
- Harriet Donkor, Guillaume Simard-Morissette
- Guillaume Simard-Morissette, Political Affairs Officer
- Ingrid MOCANU, Associate Political Affairs Officer