The SG proposes to make the peace and security pillar more coherent, nimble and effective through a “whole-of-pillar” approach by aligning the peace and security pillar more closely with the development and human rights pillars.

Following consultations held with member states on his proposal to reform the United Nations, UN Secretary-General António Guterres submitted to the General Assembly on October 13, 2017, his report on restructuring the UN peace and security pillar.
In his report, the Secretary-General states the goals of the reform and restructuring of the peace and security pillar are to prioritize prevention and sustaining peace, enhance the effectiveness and coherence of peacekeeping operations and special political missions, make the peace and security pillar more coherent, nimble and effective through a “whole-of-pillar” approach and align the peace and security pillar more closely with the development and human rights pillars. To achieve the goals, the Secretary-General proposes to create a Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) and a Department of Peace Operations (DPO) headed respectively by Under-Secretary-General and region specific political-operational offices headed by Assistant Secretaries-General.
Secretary-General António Guterres’ proposal can be found in the GA document: United Nations, Report of the Secretary-General, Restructuring of the United Nations peace and security pillar, A/72/525, 13 October 2017. This report may be accessed by accessing: