Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum 2022: “Critical Assessment of Japan’s Policy on Refugees and Migrants” (12/11/2022


The second session of the Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum 2022 was held to make a “Critical assessment of Japan’s policy on refugees and migrants”. Mr. Ken Inoue, Vice President of GPAJ, moderated the session, and Mr. Akio Nakayama, former Country Director, IOM Myanmar, and Ms. Khadiza Begum, Area coordinator of “Online learning support for Rohingya children in Tatebayashi City”. Please read more in detail.


Japanese Parliamentarians and Civil Society Participants had a Information Sharing Meeting on UN Security Council Reform. (06/10/2022)


The Global Governance Promotion Committee (chaired by Sukehiro Hasegawa) and the United Nations Reform Subcommittee (chaired by Takahiro Shinyo), which is a subordinate body of the Diet Committee for World Federalist Movements (Chairman Seishiro Eto and Secretary General Masaharu Nakagawa), held an information exchange meeting on “United Nations Security Council Reform” at the House of Representatives members’ meeting room on 6 October 2022. It was attended by more than 15 parliamentarians and several participants from government and civil society organizations. From the GPAJ Association, in addition to President Hasegawa and Ambassador Takahiro Shinyo, Ambassador Tadamichi Yamamoto and Professor Takaaki Mizuno attended. Click here for details. (Reported by Tanimoto)


“Status of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)” by Professor Hiroko AKIZUKI (30/07/2022)


Professor Hiroko AKIZUKI, member of the United Nations Commission on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) joined by Professors Misako TAKIZAWA, and Ai KIHARA-HUNT, discussed the current status and issues taken up by CEDAW, followed by a lively exchange of opinions with the participation of experts and scholars. Please click here for the gist of the remarks. (Organized by Akiko ABE)


“Japan`s International Peace Cooperation: Past, Present, and Future” by Mr. Naoto HISAJIMA (27/07/2022)


Mr. Naoto Hisajima, Director-General, Secretariat of the International Peace Cooperation Headquarters, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan stated, that Japan marked the 30th anniversary of Japan’s involvement in international peace cooperation activities, looking back the past experiences and at the way ahead. The seminar was organized by Mr. Daiki Inoue and its report was compiled by Mr. Maciej Witek.


Online Dialogue with Ambassador Sergiy Korsunsky (02/05/2022)


Ambassador Korsunsky started his presentation by stating that this crisis is a war, a full-scale brutal war that was unimaginable a little more than two months ago. Of course, Ukraine knew that there is a very aggressive neighbor the assault on Ukrainian territory and sovereignty began 8 years ago in 2014, and people always knew that it would be difficult to resolve territorial problems with Russia – who knows better about those issues than Japan? On 24 February a classical war began of military assault on Ukraine, with missiles, planes, and tanks in Ukrainian territory. Since then, for 67 days Ukraine fights against Russian aggression, and definitely in this war is deeply involved in partnerships negotiations and assistance with partners in the world.


“Post-Genocide Transformation of Rwanda: Critical Review of its Achievements and the Remaining Challenges” by Ambassador Charles Murigande (23/04/2022)


Former Foreign Minister and Ambassador to Japan Charles Murigande of Rwanda to Japan made a critical review of the developments in Rwanda since its genocide in 1994. He was joined by Hiroshi KATO, Former Vice President of Japan International Development Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Professor at the International University of Japan. Please click here for its video recording.