[2018 Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum] Photo Album (08/12/2018)


2018 Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum was held at JICA Ichigaya Building on December 8, 2018. It was opened by former Under-Secretary-General and Special Representatives of the Secretary-General Mr. Yasushi Akashi and keynote speech was delivered by Ambassador Fumio Iwai, Secretary-General of the Secretariat of the International Peace Cooperation Headquarters of the Cabinet Office of the Government of Japan. Please find the program with pictures of meetings and participants.


Prince Feisal Al Hussein of Jordan explains the importance of sports in resolving conflicts and building peace (01/12/2018)


HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein, Co-Founder and Chairman of the Generations for Peace met with GPAJ President Sukehiro Hasegawa, Vice President Mio Sato and Secretary General Masakuni Tanimoto and explained the activities of the Generation for Peace (GFP) since it was founded as a peace-through-sport initiative of the Jordan Olympic Committee in 2007.


At ASEAN regional forum meeting in China, Professor Takaaki Mizuno of Kanda University of International Studies asserted top leaders’ mutual visit as a model case of Preventive Diplomacy. (29/11/2018)


Mizuno considers China and Japan have managed potential risk of getting into the Thucydides trap so far and at least have taken tangible steps to build a minimum trust and mutual understanding by agreeing the resumption of visits by the leaders of both countries after a long hiatus.


Takakazu Ito explained the emergence of triangular partnership in UN peace operations, while Herman Salton found diplomatic and bureaucratic power play at the UN during the Rwandan crisis. (17/11/2018)


Takakazu Ito, Senior Programme Officer, Department for Field Support, United Nations made a presentation “Triangular Partnership to strengthen UN Peacekeeping Operations” and Herman Salton, Associate Professor of ICU on “Dangerous Diplomacy: Bureaucracy, Power Politics, and the Role of the UN Secretariat in Rwanda.” (Reported by Maja Liechti)


Paris Peace Forum: Dr. Sharei, Executive Director of the Center for United Nations Constitutional Research explains the possibility of reviewing the UN Charter by resorting to Article 109, while Hasegawa calls for transformation of the global system just as the Japanese leaders transformed the governance structure of Japan during the Meiji Revolution. (12/11/2018)


Sharei and Hasegawa engaged in debate on how the Charter review process can be started, while Francisco Plancarte, a Mexican lawyer and long-time promoter of UN transformation according to Art. 109 called for the creation of a global parliament.


French President Emmanuel Macron joined by German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the Paris Peace Forum and called for international solidarity. (11/11/2018)


Russian President Vladimir Putin, Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau along with several other heads of state and government listened as Merkel, Macron and United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres spoke about the importance of the U.N. and other multilateral institutions to address global problems.