Author: ACUNS Tokyo Liaison Office
Symposium on post-conflict reconciliation experiences of national societies was held at the International House of Japan.(6/7/2024)
The Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda, Mrs. Marie-Claire MUKASINE, and the Ambassador of the Republic of Kosovo, Dr. Sabri KICMARI, share their national reconciliation experiences with Mr. Celio Moniz, Counsellor of the Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. (6/7/2024)
Hitoshi Aoyagi, a member of the House of Representatives of the Japan Innovation Party, was asked about the current small size of the budget during an exchange of views with UNDP Vice President Haoliang Xu. (25/6/2024)
I am Hitoshi Aoyagi, a member of the House of Representatives of the Japan Restoration Association, and I have also worked for the United Nations Development Programme. You mentioned that the UN Development Programme is currently working on increasing the SDG impact of cooperation between the UN and the private sector. This will be a very important point in the SDGs for future generations. Until now, I think the focus has been on how to raise funds for SDG development or the UN, but now I think it is important to raise funds from the private sector and deliver them to the world. Without it, it would be impossible to solve the problems we face today, such as global warming. I believe that the current budget is too small to deal with such a big problem on a global level. I would like to know what you think. (25/6/2024)
Mr. Kiyoshi Odawara, a member of the House of Representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party, spoke about the current greenhouse gas emissions situation at a meeting with the UNDP Vice President. (25/6/2024)
Looking at the international community in reality, the major emitters of greenhouse gases are China, the United States, Russia, and India. These four countries alone account for more than half of the world’s emissions. What do you think can be done to overcome this harsh reality?(25/6/2024)
Kuniko Inoguchi, a member of the House of Councilors of the Liberal Democratic Party, who formerly served as Minister of State, expressed her appreciation for UNDP’s work, saying that development is the cornerstone of peace and that the concepts of human development and human security were advocated by the UN Development Programme. (25/6/2024)
Haoliang Xu, Associate Administrator of the United Nations Development Program and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, stated that the UN has three pillars, suggesting they are peace and security, human rights, and development. The UN Development Programme supports development in a comprehensive framework while other specialized UN agencies work on specific issues. Kuniko Inoguchi, a member of the House of Councilors of the Liberal Democratic Party, who formerly served as Minister of State, expressed her appreciation for UNDP’s work, saying that development is the cornerstone of peace and that the concepts of human development and human security were advocated by the UN Development Programme. (25/6/2024)
Mr. Mitsuo Ohashi, President of the WFM Japan, a private sector world federalist movement, delivered an address at an exchange of views with the UNDP Vice President. (25/6/2024)
My name is Mitsuo Ohashi, and I am the Chairman of the World Federation Movement, which aims to create a single symbiotic society that transcends the differences among nations, religions, and ethnic groups. We, the World Federation Movement, are working to eliminate fear and scarcity from the world, and the development assistance projects that you, the UNDP, are carrying out share the same philosophy as ours. I hope that the speech of UNDP Vice President Haoliang Chou will give us a great suggestion for our future activities and that today will be a good opportunity to deepen the cooperation between UNDP and the World Federalist Movement.(25/6/2024)
Message from Mr. Seishiro Eto, Chairman of the Japanese Parliamentary Committee of the World Federation, at the meeting with the UNPD Vice President(25/6/2024)
On behalf of the Japanese Parliamentary Committee for the World Federation, I would like to warmly welcome Mr. Haoliang Xu, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Associate Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), today. The Japanese Parliamentary Committee of the World Federation has been working for lasting peace in the world since 1949, soon after the end of the Second World War, marking this year its 75th anniversary. I want to use what you have said today in future activities of the Japanese Parliamentary Committee for the World Federation to achieve lasting peace in the world. (25/6/2024)
Discussion with Mr. Haoliang Xu, Vice President of UNDP(25/6/2024)
UNDP Associate Administrator Haoliang Xu explains the UNDP’s role in restoring war-torn countries and promoting sustainable peace and development and exchanges views with members of the National Diet of Japan on enhancing the cooperation between UNDP and Japan. (2024.6.25)
Workshop for making a Japanese umbrella. (24/6/2024)
We visited Hiyoshiya, a long-established company in Kyoto manufacturing wagasa (Japanese umbrellas) for five generations and received training in making wagasa.
The store manufactures the main-style umbrellas, which are used by the Ura and Omote Senke tea ceremony masters, as well as the bungasa, janome-gasa, hahno-jyu, and mai-gasa. We strongly recommend that you visit Hiyoshiya. For more information, click here HIYOSHIYA HOLDINGS ( (24/6/2024)
President Yoshikawa hosts a working dinner. (23/6/2024)
During the post-ACUNS visit to Kyoto, ACUNS`s past President, Lise Howard, and new President, Franz Baumann, were invited by Kyoto University of the Arts President Sakiko YOSHIKAWA for a working lunch at a traditional Japanese restaurant. They agreed to extend the partnership between the two institutions to hold seminars, conferences, and other events. (23/6/2024)